It is not often that we are reminded of the evils of Socialism. This is because the media often ignores those countries around the world that still practice such government. It has also been a long time since super power countries of the world were socialistic. Because of this we see many individuals still pursuing the goal of socialism and if not that far many individuals calling for government to be more strict on individual liberties. I think it was due time that we be given a glimpse of the true colors of what socialism brings and the newest installment of The Dark Knight has done exactly that.
Aside from Bane's purely evil plot of the destruction of Gotham he has done exactly what is necessary to install a socialistic State.
It is not even necessary to start with bringing down a democratic State like Bane does when he takes over the city.
Socialism aims at destroying the class hierarchy that is "so ever apparent" in a capitalist society. But a very distinctive attribute of socialism is missed by those who wish to destroy class hierarchy. It's the very attribute that in order to destroy the class hierarchy of the bourgeois and the proletariat you MUST install a new hierarchy. The new hierarchy that has to be implemented is that of the new State and the rest of the people.
The bourgeois and the proletariat of the capitalist society are replaced with the bourgeois and the proletariat of the socialist society. The new bourgeois are those that are part of the State and enforce the rules on everyone else. They are better off than the bourgeois of the capitalist society because they are in control of the resources not by market forces but by the forces of a gun. The new proletariat are those that must live under the threat of a gun. They are worse off than the proletariat of the capitalist society because instead of being to better themselves through market forces they must stay exactly where they are at the point of a gun.
Bane insures that this happens by taking over Gotham and setting up martial law. Live as free people he says as long as you follow his rules, if you don't you are killed. Bane's men are the bourgeois who can live parasitically off the proletariat they now control. The proletariat that are in celebration of living in the wealth of others could only do so for a short period of time because after they have used up the resources of others they will be as poor as those they have thrown into the streets. Bane uses guns and force to set up the socialist State which must be done to give rise to such a State. Without the use of guns a socialist state could never exist because they have to be used to stop man from attempting to better himself as he has always done with the use of his productive abilities.
So you see socialism doesn't bring about the destruction of class hierarchy it only replaces that hierarchy with a more dangerous form of hierarchy.
But rejoice not those who are believers in the democratic State because this very same hierarchy is existent still. Those who are connected to the State and those who are not. Those who reap the benefits through the use of force from those who cannot and choose not to use force. It seems to me that the choice is obvious but when will others see this choice?
When they open their eyes.
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